Recently, I saw a photo of a New York City police officer kneeling down to give a new pair of boots to a barefooted homeless man.  It warmed my heart to see such a kind act being carried out in such a large, and often uncaring world.  The officer in that photo, Lawrence DePrimo, did not know that his act of service to this man was being photographed.  He simply saw a need, and met that need.  When interviewed about why he gave such a gift to someone he did not know, he said ““I didn't care about what the price was, we just have to help him out.”  Clearly, Officer DePrimo understands that the world is much bigger than himself, and that all of us will need a helping hand at some point in our lives.

I do not know Officer DePrimo, but I pray that he knows Jesus.  His acts so vividly portray what Jesus tells us in Luke 6.  Jesus tells that we are to give to those in need, to love those who may not love you back.  “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” (vs. 31). 

When I read this story, in the light of Luke 6, I am humbled.  How many times do I pass by someone in need, without any thought of helping them?  Sometimes the need around us seems so great that we feel like we could not possibly make a difference.  This photo and story is a reminder that to meet the needs of many, we have to take the time to help just one. 

